So I realize my posts of late have been average, mediocre at best. With threats of physical violence to my very person from some of my readers weighing heavily on my mind and limiting my sleep patterns, I have endeavored to put some time aside and make sure this post has pictures aplenty to placate my more aggressive readers.
....I'm not scared of you Alessandra!
....sorry, I lied. I'm really scared ; ; Please don't hit me again.
Anyway, so yes. It's been a while since we had some pictures so I hope this makes up for that. Seems like lots has been going on both in RL and FFXI which really does inhibit blog postings.
First off, MISSIONS!
Aless, Loren and I caught up on the WotG missions recently. Its quite a cool story so far and the cut scenes are far more detailed than they have been in previous missions. Here's a few shots to illustrate my point.

BEST SHIELD BASH EVER! I was too slow to capture the shot of him nailing the next demon with his polearm. Cool jump landing on the demon impaling him through the chest. All kinds of win!
As you'll recall, Al and I had been doing the Windy missions a couple of posts back and we finished them recently. Initially, I had wanted to just duo through them as I'm sure we could have done but in the end, it just became too much of a pain in the ass so in 2 or 3 of the fights, we roped Loren into helping us as well.
I really enjoyed these missions. I like to take an interest in the characters of the game somewhat and after reading on wiki about
Karaha Baruha, I was stoked to see how the Windy mission set dealt with him to some extent.
We ended up doing all the missions in about 2 weeks, taking it easy and doing them when we were both on or when there was nothing else better to do. Now we have the Sandy missions ahead of us and I'm really looking forward to them. I hope they deal with King Ranperre somehow but I'm not looking to closely so as not to spoil the surprise. Finishing Sandy will give us the set of flags too. My MH wall looks a little weird with it missing.

Also been doing a TON of Campaign of late. I find my hours of play at times are not conducive to quick invites as the JP population tends to stick with their own when pting. Apparently, its too hard to communicate with us NA's. JP ONRY!
Anyway, Campaign is really quite fun on SAM especially now that I have Curing Waltz II and Drain Samba II.
I've done so much Campaign that this was easily obtained...

...and now I'm waiting on the new update to provide more rank up availability. I'm very interested to see what items can be bought with Allied Notes once we are able to get Medals.
I'm not sure if you notice these things or not but as a blogger always on the lookout for picture opportunities, Campaign provides. Some things are kind of amusing, some are annoying, some are weird, some are down right stupid but all things that make me take notice and take the shot in case it can be used in a blog post. Check out some of the recent ones.
NPC's love me ^__^/

What happens to Allied boss NPC pets when they warp out? ; ;

LOVE Azima! I crave her Thunder V and Thundaga IV spells!...

...but as with any NC boss, watch out when they are getting low on HP coz if they die this happens...

And yes, death comes frequently. Thank you SE for making it so that we don't lose exp to deaths in Campaign. I'd be back to level 50 by now I sometimes think.

SAM is coming along nicely. With the acquisition of Tachi: Gekko and Tachi: Kasha, my desire to play it has risen. I recently dinged 72 and dinged into Hagun, Fuma sune-ate and my sea gorgets for YGK. Thanks again to Aless for helping me get the aern organs very quickly and easily.

I took this pic in a Caedarva Mire party against Imps. Can I just say, as a DD melee, the Imps provided for exp in ToAU areas while immensely annoying with the amnesia move, provide for some nice numbers on WS's and great exp. Check out this ironic number done on one such Imp. Get it? 666 on a demon? :/

Muwhahahahaha! Enna's evil skill rises 0.5 points.
For some unknown reason, I seem to be hanging out with Loren a bit of late. We have been duoing RNG and WHM together on worms. For those of you out there without these jobs leveled at least as subs, this is a fun way to do it with a friend. RNG shoots worms, WHM silences, cures and dias. Easy exp with little to no risk. No deaths at all yet and we have gone from 10 to 22 so far.
Having a PLD/DNC tank to hold mobs for you while you unload as a SAM in Campaign is really nice too though we seem to reach the hate thresholds of each mob quite quickly.
After helping Aless and I with a couple of Windy missions, we decided we would pay him back with an Assault Jerkin for his up and coming DRG (which is like level 20 atm lol) so off we went to Onzozo. We hung out there for a while killing Toramas. I killed PH's for LoO, Hellion and Narasimha while we waited as well. In the hour or so we were there, we got Peg Powler, Ose and LoO. Surprisingly only Ose was a tight ass that day. My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw this...

...and even more when my crappy 80 lot was better than Al's. Her lot was about right though. Everyone knows Al is only 10% as good as me :p...

...and even MORE when some douchebag PLD/THF lotted after doing nothing but give it a love tap for TH. GIMME BACK MY CLUB DOUCHEBAG! lol no, I'm joking. I don't need inventory -1 at the moment and that makes us even for missions right Loren? ^__^b
And continuing on with Loren's lootwhoring....

Man, some people just take, take, take am I right? Maybe I'm just aggro that of the only 2 semi decent ??? item appraisals we have had since we start Nyzul Isle, one had to be a frikkin Mushroom Helm. :p
Have you ever seen this before? This was after Loren got raised in Campaign. I've seen it quite a lot after people die and get raised. They move about with their arms glued to their sides dead straight and with their weapon stuck to the bottom of their foot. Kinda looks like the typical elf with a carrot up their butt right? Weird.

One last jab at Loren for this post. OK. Get this. He dies by the NPC in Jugner Forest [S]. Orc's milling about aimlessly waiting for some unsuspecting noob to come near them so they can gang rape them. I get a guy from an old LS to cast raise and comment how Loren can't really get up anyway. He begs to differ and we get this piece of hilarity...

On another note, here is a couple of other interesting shots I have seen lately. This first one was in Nyzul isle. Periodically, you can get boosts or reductions to any given stat. Here's one with a MND boost. EXTREMELY nice for a RDM casting debuffs in there. My para really locked a couple of mobs down on that floor.

And here's me and Raka with our new swim suits after the Sun Breeze festival. Don't we look fly? Yes. I said fly. Thats still a cool word in my vocabulary. >.>

And lastly here's me after a long day of adventuring. 5 o'clock shadow and all. Aless wouldn't take off her hat to show hers.

As we wind down fro this posting, I'd like to share with you all a piece of late night philosophy with my new friend MogKnight. Part of it is wise and educated. The the part is that maybe I'll get a JP party!

Hope I didn't get you in trouble with Liseth Mog but your wisdom is astounding and must be shared with the masses! :p
Finally, congrats to my good friend Bubbo for finally acquiring her Black belt. My uber MNK friend just got uber +1. Great job Bub. Its been a while coming and hope it was worth the wait.

Thanks again for reading. As always, us bloggers covet your comments and shouts on our blogs so do your thing to keep us motivated to provide you with fun reading material while at work or camping some lame ass HNM! Cya soon!