Seeing MeneoCecus come full circle from the divisive break we had some 6 months or so ago is an exciting thing. After having two thirds of our member base leave for another server, the game or just bail on the group for other options (I admit shamefully that I was almost one of them), it's great to see how people have stuck in there with the LS and helped to rebuild us to a point where we have a good little group that can take down Omega again. I am excited to see how we grow from here. The plan I heard was to keep it small and tight which is perfect in my eyes. It means we can take the things we want out and get drops for people without the long waits in between rewards due to a high number of people.
Last night was our second attempt since the split. The first one a couple of weeks ago saw us attempt him with one NIN/DRK tank (Byany) who did exceptionally well till he got broken at the last 30%. Up until then, he barely took any damage and help hate through the BLM bombardments wickedly. After Omega killed him though, I think he caught everyone else by surprise somewhat and he slowly picked us all off. In the end, we wiped and went away sad with no gear.
This time we had a few more options for the alliance setup. If I remember correctly the group was as follows: NIN/DRK x2, BRD/WHM, RDM/WHM x2, THF/NIN, BLM/WHM x5. Our strategy was an easy one. Have the supported NINs hold Omega, the BLMs would bring his HP down slowly to begin and then have a volley of IV's or AMII's each time he went back to 4 legs removing about 20-25% each volley, and have the THF grab and hold any pods to be burned with 2-3 IV spells.
It worked to a tee! Yellowman and Byany tanked like champs taking little to non damage, Fokyah did wicked grabbing any pods the second they popped, the NIN support didn't falter in the least keeping them both buffed and healed at all times, and the BLM party bought him and his pods down quickly and efficiently pulling hate maybe twice for a second and managing MP beautifully.
At 34% we rested up fully and got fresh buffs up in preparation for the final form. The word to charge was given and the nukefest was on. The NINs had such good hate built up that he didn't look our way until after the 2nd volley in a row at which point he was well under 20%. I took a Colossal Blow that I survived and reset my hate allowing me to Manafont and go nuts till he was dead. I don't think anyone died during the fight and it lasted all of about 15 minutes. Dorps came Eye and Foreleg (Homam head and hands respectively). Congrats to Dylorian on hands for his uber THF (which benefits my Nyzul group :p) and to Yellowman on the head item for his THF also.
Knowing what we know now, next time we will be able to farm him for coins for 10 minutes or so as well as getting the win provided we have a similar setup. I am confident that we could take him down with as little as 3 BLMs using the same method if need be but the same setup as last night will lead to many successful Omega runs and lots of Homam gear for our members that can/want to use.
YAY US! Great job guys. A pleasure working with you all. I think some of the momentum we had last night comes from the groove we got into jamming to Al's music. Maybe? No? OK, its just fun to get your groove then I guess.
16 years ago