Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Yes Cait Sith, this Christmas outfit IS hawt isn't it?

Such a good "girl" that Santa deemed me worthy of an early stocking stuffing.

Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks again for visiting. Hope you come back more next year and experience the fun of FFXI with me through my blog ^^/

Monday, December 17, 2007

Gettin muh Christmas on!

Well with all the fun, excitement and presents in my immediate future, I envision the blog will suffer as a result so to anyone who reads/checks this semi-frequently, I'll probably make my next post in the new year.

That said, merry Christmas, happy new year, stay safe and you'll hear from me next year.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Fun with Seraa

My friend Seraa who I met back in Paragon a while back is widely regarded on our server as one of the better and more pimped out RDMs around. Seraa's big thing is soloing NMs....really hard NMs. Bune, Genbu, and tonight Voluptuous Vivian come to mind.

So I was asking Seraa if we could run out and do an Ix'MNK as I hadn't done one before and I desire the Merciful cape for my BLM. Seraa was busy at the time claiming Vivian had to die so I'm like "OK! I gotta see this RDM solo NM pwnage in action!" so off I scurried to The Boyahda Tree to watch.

I was there all of 5 mins when POP, theres Vivian just waiting to be beat down by some random RDM (read: uber RDM). Now usually Seraa has to time the pull just right to avoid Draw in and linking the aggro spiders in the area. I offered to charm depop them to help speed it along and after a couple of mis-charms, releases and depops, Seraa was good to go.

I had a little side fun while I was watching too. The spiders kept repoppng as they tend to do and making me keep sneak up so I decided to charm and 2 hour one and kill the rest off. Yay experience points and beastmen seals ^^b

After that, it was just a matter of watching VV's life bar trickle away. I have to say, this was impressive. Just watch the HP trickle away....

No drop though ; ; Something like 0/25 now?

After VV, Seraa was kind enough to run out the pop Ix'MNK with me and help me beat him down.

Again, not the drop we were after ; ; I did re-cap my retired RDM experience points though so not all was lost.

Oh well, I'll farm some more HQ Aern organs and we'll have another go. It was fun if nothing else ^^ Thanks again Seraa. Uber RDM FTW!

UPDATE!: Seraa got his drop today. Congrats buddy! Check this out ^^b