So I came across a link to this personality quiz that I thought might be a hoot on a Friday afternoon while waiting to leave work for the week. So I jumped in and did the quick one and all I can say is WOW!
My Personality Quiz Results
Its actually very close to describing me well and that in turn is scary! lol
Some particular things to note. I do not feel ashamed of myself. Well maybe when I get caught picking my nose or something embarrassing like that but who doesn't??!! lol. Note the first sentence in the "Openness to experience" section. >.> NOWAI! Overall, a very accurate report as I read over it more thoroughly.
I think its good to take a look at ones self periodically so examine whether or not you ought to try and change small things in your character. I'm not talking a total character makeover that changes the very core of who you are but we all have to admit there are things in each of our lives that don't need to be there and can be detrimental not only to ones self but to the ones we care about and surround ourselves with. Its these things that I believe we can all at least consider changing to be better people and more enjoyable to be around.
Anyway, I'm freaking myself out over who philosophical I'm being on a Friday afternoon so I'm outta here! Happy long weekend Canadians!
16 years ago
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