Another good weekend this weekend. FFXI, Poker, Mountain Biking, naps. All these things make for a fun relaxing weekend though make Mondays that much harder to endure. Good thing tomorrow is a holiday in Canada so this particular Monday is somewhat easier to deal with.
Nyzul was decent this past week as well. We started at 85 on everyones disc and successfully climbed to 100 without a problem. Now that anyone can lead any given run, its simple to target specific weapons for people. Enin still lacked a couple of weapons so we have him lead the first run as MNK and Byany lead the 2nd 100 run that night on BRD acquiring both Enin's weapons.
Only 2 weapons left to get, those being Loren's COR gun for his level 17 COR and Dylorian's WAR GA which he doesn't really want at this point. No gear drops from the 2 100 bosses though. Needz moar head. >.> (/em awaits the pervert translation that Loren just thought up.)
Speaking of Nyzul weapons, I finished cleaning my last one this week too. RDM sword was one of the ones I was particularly looking forward to due to the cool animation. Did not disappoint animation wise and the damage was about what I was expecting. Apparently, this can strip a mob of any enfeebling resistance it might have had. Here's the end of the exploding rose animation. Sounds cool too.
In addition to cleaning Vorpal sword, Dyl helped me clean the weapon that had become the bane of my existence, my Trials Spear. Trouble with cleaning this weapon is that SAM can't use Wheeling Thrust to make a level 3 skillchain so I had to resort to Gravitation which only gains me 3 points per chain as opposed to the normal 5. Argh! Had that weapon for 2 or 3 months. Camping Kreutzet with Dyl was actually time well spent in the end even if some gimp ass THF with these on won the claim and got the drop that went to his full AF1 level 75 RDM friend. Good times eh Dyl? Need Tomoe now to make it worth while.
So this weekend, I hung out with Dyl a fair bit. We did Brothers ENM and got a large chunk of exp while burning King Buffalo waiting for the weather to clear which resulted in enough merits to finish SAM group 1 merits. On to Group 2 now with Overwhelm getting priority. Any advice for how to distribute merits between Shikikoyo and Blade bash are appreciated.
We camped Kreutzet who popped right on top of us and we still missed claim ; ; We also farmed organs for obi's in sea with Loren and finished the weekend with the easiest run through Nashmeira's plea I have ever been involved in which resulted in Dyl getting the last fight done and getting his new ring. So it was a weekend to thank Dyl for all his help and willingness to be helpful over the past few months. Also much thanks to Liseth coming to help us with the fight. Note to anyone doing this fight. Having a RDM with 340+ enfeebling skill to sleep the BLU in between nukes makes that fight EASY!
Next weekend, we will hopefully do the prerequisite quest for and the fight of Requiem of Sin and hopefully get X's knife to drop and pimp out our Nyzul THF even more.
In other news, I finally got SAM pants upgraded. Since I don't do sky anymore and my WS accuracy seems to be capped, these will more than adequately suffice till the lucky day I get Hachiryu pants. I'll also use them for my Jumps when /DRG.
So another fun weekend resulting in some success. I find this game to be somewhat like Golf. You tend to fumble your way through adequately having a decenet amount of fun and then every so often you hit a clean straight drive that sails off into the distance or a nice precise pitch onto the green that rolls right up to the cup which makes the rest of the time spent in the game all worth while. I seem to have been hitting a few straight drives of late. ^__^b
16 years ago
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