Everyone can empathize. Every now and then, you get some douchebag who doesn't understand that he doesn't own all the mobs in a zone. Take one of those mobs and fear his wrath right? WRONG! GM call, {You can have this.}
Said douchebag decided that he was going to try and either damage all the mobs so that when we claimed them, we'd get no exp (which didn't work for some reason) or that he would cure bomb us again to mess with our exp (which didn't work, only made Lorens job easier). While this was funny, it wasn't really helping us with exp so much so BAM! GM call.
Anyway, had a nice conversation with this nice GM who was very helpful. At the end, I asked if he would show himself which he gladly did. I proceeded to shoot at his head!
NO! I KID! But it looked kinda funny that he would pop in front of me like that.
I have always wondered what the deal with them shimmering is so I asked and was kinda surprised to get the following response...
VERY COOL IMO! Some might not think so but I do. Kind adds to their mystique and intimidation factor no? Anyway that is all.
Oh wait. BAM!
Yay moar CHR on charm gear! I have been trying out a theory that I heard Neurotic made in that if you have Apollo's staff, more CHR has diminishing returns (or something to that effect). While I'm not hardcore enough to rid myself of all AHable CHR gear, I have been trying out charming in my AF and AF+1 gear and so far, I'd have to agree. Even tougher to charm mobs like Korrigans don't seem to resist at any increased rate. So yay for AF upgrades that provide both CHR and +charm!
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