Wednesday, November 14, 2007

BLM fun

I like making "fun" posts. XD I think they really show off why so many people play this game and play for so long. Well, here is yet another "fun" post showing some of the recent "fun" moments while playing with my BLMness.

OK, next time you are with some BLM friends, try this. It may very well be silly but it really is quite "fun".

Just recently, SE started this new event called the Crystal War Revisited in which you can receive a pair of Matrix looking glasses. Don't I look fly?

As you may very well know, this game has lots of HAX! in it. Here's three such examples of an NPC shaming me with her uber teir 1 elemental magic skill's. With skills like that, who wouldn't be intimidated eh?!

And here's a little of my own elemental magic skills. This was a "fun" magic burst in Temenos that I was proud of as it wasn't Iceday or weather. Just plain BLM powah! I can do bigger in the right conditions but this was just a nice "fun" one out of the blue.

And the result of such power. My 4th or 5th splat/death in our recent first Proto-Ultima win. We were doing great till about 18% to go when I was the first to get Citadel Buster'd, then as I went to rest, the proverbial crap hit the fan when he did a big Armour Buster >> Citadel Buster to wipe out half the alliance. Everyone kept their heads about them though and we prevailed ^^b Go RRB!

More "fun" post to come....


CourierCarrie said...

Less BLM! more BST! lol

Ennayram said...

lol will do! ^^/