No Ancient Goobbue today sadly but Aless did make a showing of how mean she can be and wtf Belan?
We arrived at Onzozo to no NMs up at the time so we decided we kill the placeholders for LoO, Narasimha and Soulstealer Skullnix. A few minutes later LoO pops in front of us! Can I just say Torama's are very hardy pets down there.
LoO wasn't feeling very generous though ; ;
While we were killing LoO, I ran around the corner to see Narasimha sitting there waiting. Happy day we thought and once LoO was down, mini Kirin was next. He's even scared of me.
Soulstealer must have gotten word that we were in the area and rocking these bigger NMs and decided not to show up.
Of course we were feeling very chipper at this point and decided to go check Kuftal for Guivre. No luck. Madkix and the Sabotender NM didn't want to come out and play either so we run through Cape Terrigan to Gustav to find Taxim hanging out. I didn't realise he was so weak >.>
Our last stop saw us in Ifrits Cauldron to check on Tunnock but to no avail.
A fun evening with a good friend. To anyone thinking of leveling BST, I love it. So much freedom that you just don't get on other jobs. Its even more fun with a friend!
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