Our 3rd run of the night (Tuly only had 3 tags unfortunately) saw us get boned royally. Floor 16 was kill Specific enemies which turned out to be wide spread Soulflayers. I have decided they are more hated than Goblins for me now. >.< 17 & 18 passed by without a hitch only for 19 to arrive and have us kill the leader of the floor which was.....you guessed it, a Soulflayer. Ny and Az end up dead from add's due to us rushing and the evil Bio Flayers can inflict. We arrived at 20 with 4 minutes remaining and Fafnir waiting for us. Hmmm...weakened RDM and BRD and less than 4 minutes remaining. Can we do it? NO! but we tried anyway ^^ This gave Loren the opportunity he apparently was waiting for to MPK us all by inducing a Spike Flail which coincidentally is absorbed by TWO shadows.
What was Loren's response to being called a jerk? lol
I was happy to see we got him down to about 75% in 90 seconds without the use of any 2 hours.
All in all, another fun night getting more boots for our group and don't I look rather sassy in my new boots?
NICE!!! I want a pair!! Congats!
Aahhh! I can comment again!
Congratulations on your Askar feet! I want those as well, but more for a future Samurai build though, but I just got Askar Dirs myself for my Beastmaster! :-)
And hurray for making me able to comment again, much love to you for that hehe. I love to comment!
I'm looking forward to the Dirs myself for the solo/duoing fun though the helm is the thing I drool over. I'll gladly sacrafice 1% haste for def, STR and DEX
Niiiiiiice!!!! I need to find more time to play T_T
Yes you do! I need more BST fun ; ;
Oh yeah, the Askar Zucchetto is awesome. That's what I want for my haste build as well. I think I will want to use Askar Manopolas as well to be honest. Or I might use Dusk Gloves +1.. I can't make up my mind. One part is beautiful, less Haste.. other is butt ugly but best Haste gloves in game.. meh >_<)p
Hoping to get myself a Askar Korazin tonight though :) Imo. one of the sweetest looking bodies in the game, and well I do fancy the stats. Plus! I can be used for a future Samurai job I am toying around with ;)
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