So like my RL move from NZ to Canada, I decided to make the move from Bastok to Windy now that SE made it so we don't lose our OP warps when changing alligence's.
I wonder if they will have to put me to sleep when I get back to Bastok after doing all3 mission sets. Hmmm.
I roped Aless into coming with me on the idea that we would duo most if not all of it and then move on to Sandy to complete the missions and have 3 flags hanging on our walls. I think it's good to get the whole story in any game you play and this is the way to do it. The decision to move was a tough one as I really do like the easy of movement through Bastok and having all the worlds OPs with Bastok. I'm all about getting from point A to point B as fast as possible in this game which requires soooo much time moving about. Our timing for the move has been really good though. Key OPs that we both use have been in Windys control of late and so gaining them has been one of our biggest priorities.
Windurst...what can I say? Its frikkin huge! Wish we had OPs around the city from MH. Those little warp taru's are certainly a big help but damn, its too big! In saying that though, I really like the ambiance of the place. My new MH actually feels nice and light and airy. Gotta keep the Basty colours flying too!
We have made it to rank 5 solely as a duo so far. The only part that gave us a little grief was the fight with the dragon and the ahriman but that was only because we both went in gimp as hell. 2nd time around, Al got a good lance for DRG and we saved ourselves a little more for the dragon. Much easier.
Now we are at the fight with the bones in Fei'yin before the fight with the infamous Shadowlord. We're looking forward to that but a little dodgy over the fight with the bones. I'm thinking we will go BST/WHM + RDM/NIN or /WHM. Al can take the main NM with 2 CCs and snarl while I'll support her I think. I'm thinking that this and the 9-2 fight are going to be the only ones we might have trouble with as a duo.
Anyway, I always like new quest lines. They always cater to my love of new sights in this very intricate game. Check out a couple of the pics from the missions to date.
Stalk much Sibyl? And didn't I do away with these two already when I was living in Bastok?
So I'm hoping we can push through the remaining Windy missions in about a week or so, RL commitments pending. Then we can move on and do the Sandy ones.
Last night also saw us get some of the WotG missions done as well. I postponed Nyzul Isle for a week as a few people including myself were either doubtful or just plain not going to be on this week. So Loren Aless and I got together for a couple of Assault runs to try and rank up. Dyl ended up joining us for one as well. We got 3 new ones out of the way and I finally got my SL rank!
OHAI2U Perdu Voulge! Finally. Funny thing is, is that with my up and coming SAM, I prolly won't use it too much. But I get to toss Byakko's GA and Perdu makes up for my loss of acc from bomblet sale. I'm +25 attack with bomb core/perdu over bomblet/byakkos (if my math is right).
After assaults, we hit Sandy [S] for the missions that Loren was keen on doing and I needed to get done anyway. The fight against the Orc in Jugner [S] was funny and fast. Funny coz in the cs the little arrogant elf kid face kicked the traitor elf. Fast coz Al and Loren both MS's 200-300tp Steel Cyclones and made Orc go pop. It got even funnier with the ragingly gay dancer dude in later cs's. Cait Sith who must be my favorite NPC at the moment made a big appearance which was highly entertaining. Heres a few pics from the mission.
More to follow as it happens.
Campaign has been really fun of late too now that my SAM is high enough to actually do damage. I got 65 and Gekko in my last party and haven't gotten another since and now I'm 66 lol. Thank you Campaign! I really need a party soon a) because I want to /WAR and do Gekko's on Imps and b) i need to cap my GK skill before it gets too far behind. SE should really allow skill ups in Campaign.
Gekko rocks! Its one of the main reasons I wanted to level SAM and it doesn't disappoint. Here's my first one (1000+) at the end of my last party.
Other than than its been Campaign, Campaign and more Campaign. At least my rank is going up right? Aless and I have teamed up once or twice. BRD gets to wear silly things like Mushroom helm :p
I seem to die a lot too. I can't really solo a mob yet (prolly by level 70 with Dran Samba II I'd say) and often I seem to pick the wrong mob to help with and get bum rushed by the this.
Its all good though because of the no exp loss thing. I wouldn't come near it otherwise.
Seen a lot of new things in Campaign too. Check out these pic's from my recent runs. Maximum respect to the uber cool looking Yag SAM. I kinda want hair like that when I get to 75 please.
So thats it for now. More updates in the near future so stay tuned. Don't forget to comment or drop a line in the shoutbox. I like hearing from my readers but just don't be a douche coz it gets deleted ^^b Constructive, funny, observant, questioning are all modes of comment I like to see.
See ya soon ^__^/