The conversation as I remember it went from "Who are we waiting on?" "New guy" "FISH!" as Booch is now known as in the group to Loren shouting for people to say his name after our discussion about The Neverending Story and Sebastien having to call out the empress' name or something like that to Loren describing the average at work blogger...
I was even getting to the point where I thought that pressing my man boobs against Aless' would be a fun idea >.>
It was decided soon after that we would just enter Nyzul with the 5 that were there instead of descending even further into madness. So in we went and we did really well reaching the boss with like 12 mins to spare. An easy Behemoth resulted on Askar boots being dropped which I missed the screenshot of and Dyl got new boots for his upcoming SAM (45 at the moment?).
Booch had come to Whitegate by this time and was ready to go. We picked him up and proceeded to bomb through the next 2 runs without drops. I think one of those we reached the boss in like 11 mins or something. Last run of the night was prolly the roughest with us reaching Adamantoise with about 5 mins to go and Aless dcing the floor before. So 5 mins to go, 5 members and a big turtle in our way garnered a 2 hourfest. He went down without too much problem and again much to our general dismay, Askar feet dropped. We need like 3 or 4 pairs of Goliard and have seen one pair since we first started. I never thought I'd ever be sorry to see any Askar piece drop. But congrats to Aj, our last remaining member to get a pair. I'm sure you'll have a job high enough at some stage right?
No gear screenshot this week since neither of the guys who got the drops actually had a job they could equip them on high enough. More screenies next week with any luck.
In other news, Bubbo and I finished off our UFO organ farming. We got Aj to come along on THF for TH to make it a less painful ordeal. The fight itself is easy and fun. Its just brutal to do it and see no drop. So Aj would tap the UFO then just steal hate from me and TA once in a while. We even had him sub BRD on one for march and ballad. So 4 UFOs later we had our 3 organs needed. Bubbo had the other organs for her gorget all set too so she was good to go.
Now all I need to do is farm 20 shark organs, 5 Aerns and 5 Xzomits. Good thing BLM is the solo master is sea. I'll just see about having one of my THF buddies come help me out for some easy exp. And I'm sure my good buddy Snoochyfish will come and do this with me a bunch more too. Right?
Byany had asked me previously to solo him a UFO organ on BLM as well but since Bubbo and I were so good at duoing them, I asked Bub if she'd be keen on helping By out with me and she was good to go. Had By sub THF and one UFO kill later...
Grats man. Glad we could help you out.
After this...
...and this...
...I decided to go and start Campaigning again while looking for parties to join for exp. Its been a while since I dabbled in Campaign and it would seem that the Beastmen Confederate was gotten a LOT stronger. Nowadays, pretty much the whole world is in their control with constant attacks on the main cities. Heres one instance of Bastok getting pwnd with many dead bodies lying about.
Campaign is actually really good fun while waiting on parties as a SAM. Now that I can actually hit the mobs that is. And periodically, you see things like this Gigas that I hadn't seen before.
And of course there are the uber NPC bossed that make me jealous, especially this BST NPC from Windy with 2 normally uncharmable pets and my Guttler. /jealous on.
So thats about it for this post. I'll leave you today with some wonderful insight from my good buddy Ajninx while we were in the NA party I spoke about last post.
He qualified that saying ti was because I was out damaging both the WAR and DRG combined. Gimp NA players fail -.-
See you next time!
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