So this week, we were hoping for another piece maybe 2 from our 4 runs to see if we can really start paring down the list so we can farm other floors and start the push to 100.
Our first run guessed it...another Askar body! Wheeee. Our good friend Cerberus who we all love for giving me my Askar Korazin was generous again. Loren and Aless got to lot together as they were in even standing for the next one. It was a close lot but Loren was rewarded with his new body piece. Grats man!
Second run. I think this was the floor where we got easy lamps, impossible to gauge normal mob, free floor before 79 turned out to be ToAU bosses (Chariots which I hate -.-). We got to Khimaira with like an hour to spare! Aless seemed to like dying last night so we waited for her to unweaken from her face tanking exercise before laying a beatdown on Khimmy. Drop? Hell yeah! ASKAR BODY! lol. Grats to Aless this time. Uncontested lot and well deserved acquisition.
Third run. Another easy run to 80 and another Cerberus. Its funny. We seem to get a lot of Cerberus just like we got a lot of Fafnir on the lower floors. I kinda hope we don't have the same "luck" heading into floor 100. Anyway, another kill and another drop.....Denali >.> Meh, I'm not complaing. Freelot that Aless scooped up. Prolly should have gone to Aj who is yet to get an item but I guess now, he has lot preference on ANY drop at floor 80 lol. Damn Aless, lootwhore much? :p
Fourth run no drop but hey, 3 drops from 4 runs? I'm certainly not gonna complain. In fact I'm gonna say thank you very much SE! ^__^b Don't our WAR's look spiffy?
I'm really happy with this group. Everyone knows exactly what their job is and adapts to situations as needed. Whats more, they really care about each other....right Loren?
In other news, I've decided when I grow up, I wanna be a mob. Mobs can hax. JP's have hax too but I'm trying to keep my dreams and aspirations realistic. I wanna be a mob so I can hax and defy the laws of Vana'diel.
SAM is coming along nicely now. Did my AF quests except for the body piece which turned out to be a royal pain in the ass and since I will NEVER use Domaruuuuuuu, I will leave it till I have more patience to go looking for coffer in the Temple of Uggalepih. Some nice panorama's while waiting for the 5 birrion "wait till JP midnight" parts of the quests.
I finally experienced how sexy polearm is against birds last night. My crappy 150ish Jinpu's turned into food losing 600+ (topped out at 707 last night) Penta thrusts...with 13 point lower skill level (lol uncapped weapons)! I have said this before and I will say it again. I frikkin LOVE PLD tanks. Even though I was doing these huge fun weaponskills, the JP PLD we had last night had little trouble holding hate or getting it back. <3 PLD ^^
Also been working on HQ aern organs for my Merciful cape. I'm at about 0/8 now? All with 3 organ pops. Nevertheless, I soldier on in the hopes it will one day drop for me. This means I get to play with my old friend Snoochybooch who I met way back in Paragon. Booch decided to google me for some reason and found my blog. He wasn't happy that he wasn't in it so here Booch. Stop your whining! ^__^
Aerns are fun mobs to solo/duo. They hit like a frikkin truck though. Check out this crit through my maxed out Stoneskin... > j00 Aern! :p
Lastly, I like to think I keep a relatively low profile on the Carbuncle server. Its weird to think that others that you don't actually know recognize you on occasion. For those of you who read this, don't feel bad if this is the first time that this has occured for you as well :p
See you next time with MOAR NYZUL DORPS!
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