I am thinking I will retire my RDM and level WAR.
This means there will be some selling of gear, reconfiguring macros and starting the road to 75....again. Well I'd be starting from 37 anyway >.>
I have tons of BST gear to be used on WAR and shock of all shocks, I think I will trade my Tamas ring to a Rajas ring. /shocked! orz I feel so very dirty as I contemplate /tossing my Tamas ring ; ;
Now I'm a pretty impulsive guy at the best of times so I wonder if I will regret this decision in the not too distant future but I'd really love to have a FULL ON DD job. Something that can be used in meripo's, tp burns etc and I like the flexiblity and versatility of WAR.
I will still use RDM to farm in SSG etc when bored, perhaps go fishing on, do the odd Gration or something.
16 years ago