First up, first time I have seen this since it's release. I hadn't noticed it was a body piece. I imagined it would be a neck piece but there you have it.
We have been farming Limbus for a while now as a low man group which usually results in a nice stack of coins for everyone. Seems like we average 6-7 a run lately. I really enjoy the event with MC because the reward to effort ratio is nice and the people we do it with are for the most part cool people that I get on well with and have a lot of respect for. I have two gripes though.
1. I can appreciate how we need to get started as close to the posted start time as possible. I for one hate to wait around pointlessly as people shag around getting setup for it. That said, I think I would happily wait for one or two people to change jobs to something that fills a hole in the group and makes the run a hundred more efficient and successful. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I HATE DYING! This is why I have never leveled a tank job. I accept the fact that I will die periodically but when its unnecessary, it just drives me insane. Like the last Limbus run where we had 3 THFs (in our group of 9) feeling a crapload of tp to the mobs resulting in not only my death but a ton of wasted MP and other deaths all because we couldn't wait an extra 5 mins for at least one to change to RDM when we only had a WHM and a BRD as support for the group. Not that it was the THfs fault. I'm just asking why we couldn't take the time to begin with. This is what I mean. 3 THFs on a Mandy in Limbus and I do one WS, pull hate and....
2. RERAISE ITEMS! OMG, why can't people bring reraise items to Limbus? It makes the run faster and more efficient because the healers don't have to waste time raising and then resting after the MP spent and people are back on their feet sooner and therefore recovered sooner and back into the fray. Yet it seems that only 2-3 of our regular 5-6 melee ever bring one instead relying on the mages to raise them. I have even seen them have the audacity to request an R3 because their buffer is so low. COME ON! Show a little respect to your team, linkshell and friends by giving the events the effort that others are putting in for you in return. Now that Limbus is half price there really isn't a reason not to have one.
Our mages and support members do a frikkin amazing job in there. Not only do they organise the run but keep everyone alive brilliantly considering the strain on resources at times. I hope that those in the group who read this see it purely as constructive criticism and take the rant as intended, that is to improve our primo little raid team into a force that can do this and more in an efficient, successful manner....that I don't keep dying in! :p
On the funner (is that even a word?) side of things, while we were heading to Limbus, the inevitable shark aggro happened. Of course it soon wish it hadn't bothered us and was promptly dispatched dropping a piece of tissue on its way out. People get to lotting and here's where Aless and I step up and win, err fail.
We even like to fail together lol. Oh well, at least we look good doing it right? We bringin' sexy back!
The two of us put another raid on La Vaule [S] the other day as well. Hawkeyed Dnatbat was the first to feel the BST powah though he only drop gilz. We would have liked his 300-400k crossbow but we'll see him again soon.
Askmaker was next on the list but he also failed to drop anything more than gil. His sandals gave us a nice little reward last time but not this time.
And last on the agenda due to time constraints, Agrios was paid a visit by the BST duo. Most interesting fight yet. We wanted to pull him over to the tigers and fish camp we like but as I was pulling him, I forgot to put invis up as I ran by the Orcs on the elevated section in the middle of the area. Consequently, about 5 birrion VT orcs stormed down the hill to rape me. Al was on the ball though and grabbed Agrios and finished the pull. Now I pride myself on accumulating very little hate during the course of an NM battle as BST. I make all my commands out of detection range, I swap pets once Al's pet has some hate and I rest well out of range too. I don't know what the hell was going on that fight but I couldn't for the life of me keep my hate levels down. Maybe it was the speed with which we had to keep swapping pets. Maybe he has a longer detection range (which I doubt), maybe we just weren't on the ball as we usually are. Either way, we really had to work to get this guy down and I think I died like 3 or 4 times which we all know I love doing. Well in the end it was worth it...
Yay dorp! Looks to be fetching a nice price on the AH at the moment so if it sells for around that, I'll be happy to recap my exp with the gil in my pocket. And holy crap! Coolest looking GA model I have seen in game so far.
Last nights Nyzul went really well too. Thanks again Bubbo for stepping in to fill the position of one unnamed WAR who didn't have his 4 tags for the 2nd time. *cough*LOREN*cough*. The goal was to get Byany's disc up to 50 so that everyone had a little easier time unlocking WS's from their Nyzul weapons. Al's sword should have unlocked we think but forgot to ask.
Had the coolest random buff from the area last night too. REFRESH! Check this screenshot out!
See that??! TWO REFRESHES! Coupled with sanction refresh and 2x Ballad, I had 18mp/tic! I think I messed myself a little over it >.> Of course, I went to the next floor with full MP.
On our way to 50, we passed by our friendly floor 40 boss who put out for the second time in a row. I think they may have adjusted the drop rates slightly with the emergency update of Nyzul recently. Just guessing coz our luck hasn't been good enough to provide 2 drops in 2 boss runs since we started the group and got 4/4 on our first 4 boss tries. Anyway, pics!
Grats Al. Inventory -1 for your BRD. Yes the set will be "nice" >.>
Next week will see us farming floor 20 as we continue our struggle of Dyl's Goliard shoes. Wish us luck!
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