This week we decided to climb everyone to 80 and after the success of that climb last night, we will climb on to 100 next week in order to get everyone to a point where they can get any and all weaponskills they might want done as quickly as possible. Only having to get 250 points is cake when you have friends that can make a level 3 chain with you. Takes all of an hour....tops.
Khim was stingy at 80 this week but after seeing Dylorian (the only one without a weapon so far) get his THF dagger finally as well as 3 other needed weapons, coupled with everyone having 80 access on their disc now, I count it as a successful run.
Al's BST axe was last week but meh. It fits in well here :p Dyl put the acquisition of his THF dagger very adequately...
Stupid frikkin WHM weapon >.< I'm done with my weapons now having gained Vorpal Sword which I will break in the next couple of days to gain Death Blossom. I'm very interested to see how it performs though I imagine I will like the animation more than anything.
Last Thursday also saw Goliard body drop which I got. I have quite a few uses in mind for this piece and am happy to have it though I admit that initially, I wasn't really very interested in the Golaird gear at all. I have head and body now and think I would like feet for sure. I'll collect the whole set if it comes but the feet are the only other piece I'd really like.
Oh and grats to Al on gaining Atonement. Apart from giving me a seizure (like Rana does for others I guess), the skill can do some nice damage once hate is accumulated and makes Light with Shark Bite and the other skills in that grouping. Seems to help her hold hate nicely in Limbus so far.
After Nyzul, I grabbed Booch and Dyl and we went out to pop Gration. I have popped him some 6 times now and seen 2 drops including last night. So thanks guys. The gil is warmly welcomed at this point as I seek to attain Maat's cap (more on that to follow).
Also saw the NM bat Upyri hanging out by the zone to Riverne as we bought Gration up to die so Dyl and I burned him down quickly while Booch kited Gration. No earring drop but meh, a kill of an NM I have never seen before.
Booch and I went looking for trouble with Ix'MNK after Gration and after a semi-botched pull (3 organs used) we got him to the Ebon room and whittled him down. I like this fight but I have really learned to hate the NM and his suckass drop rate. I'm like 0/6 or 7 now on the Vice. All but one of those pops has been a 3 organ pop.
So as I mentioned above, I have decided to try and work on Maat's cap. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want it. Such a cool looking piece with a lot of exclusivity and useful on all my jobs to some degree especially SAM. I figure that I have 5 jobs at 75 now which well over 50% of the exp needed on all the jobs total and considering that most of the other jobs needed have already been leveled to 37 or close as subs, makes the decision to go for it a little easier. Only 2 jobs below 20 and 3 jobs between 20 and 37. So I figure I will chip away at it and see how it goes. Some jobs will suck to level either by pure lack of enjoyment in the job or lack of invites from pt's so I will endeavor to mix them up with jobs I do enjoy and will get invites without a problem.
The first job I decided on was NIN. I didn't like NIN as I leveled it to 37 and at the moment I don't like it a whole lot better just yet. I do like that I can solo it on BST pets and the other night Al and I got together as NIN & DNC and Sheena joined us on his level sync'd RDM and we nuked the crap outta the pets for frequent chain 5's upwards of 250 exp each. So I'm level 41 now and on my way to 66. Duoing with Al will make this a little more fun too. Oh and capped skills from other jobs make this even more fun. AF1 down.
Next up I am thinking with be PLD which is the one job needed that is below 10, read 1. I think PLD will be fun and doubt invites will be rough to 66ish. Stay tuned.
All this talk and organisation for Maat's cap lead to a clean out too. My MH is now organised as such. Mog Safe for RDM and BLM, Mog Locker for SAM, BST and lolWAR, and Storage for the current job being leveled.
I'm trying hard to not contemplate the enormity of the task ahead. The journey of a thousand miles starts with 1 step?
I know you can store Nyzul weapons at the salvage armor NPC but is there any particular reason you didn't? :(
*dives for the axe*
Do it!
No need to store when you can easily get another when/if you are ready to upgarde. After you gain the WS, they are just inventory -1 till you start upgrading.
+ I'm too lazy to NPC store I guess.
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