So 51-55 was simple and saw Al get her BRD knife. 56-60 saw us come up against Khimmy who died quickly and dropped Goliard hands. I had time to confer with Dyl on whether or not he wanted them as we had around 9 minutes left when Khim died. Dyl took them and we were off to floor 20 again (forgot screenshot ; ;).
The first 16-20 was cake and saw Denali feet drop which were #1 on Byany's list of gear so he took them as well as a wightslayer for his upcoming BLU.
The 2nd 20 of the night and our final run was shall we say interesting. I forget the exact series of floors but 18 was ToAU bosses which turned out to be chariots. Side note for those of you who are new to Nyzul Isle, chariots link. Not only was the floor objective to kill chariots, it was to kill all FIVE chariots. This was made more fun when after killing the first 2 without a problem, we encountered the remaining 3 in the same room all bunched together. -.-
Here's where my team yet again showed their quality. Dyl pulled one and fleed away to drop the links which worked well. Loren died one the first of those 3 so Aless and Enin (and Dyl when he got back) went to work on the others. Bang bang bang, each chariot went down. 19 was lamps at the same time again with 5 of them. Time was at 5 minutes when everyone had found the lamps and we headed up to 20 with about 4 minutes to go.
OHAI2U Behemoth! Bombs away lads! By sang, melee 2hour zerged, I healed/nuked, Behemoth died, Goliard feet dropped. It was a thing of beauty and the piece we were after dropped. One minute left and everyone passes the feet to Dyl as planned and out we go with 30 seconds to spare.
3 drops on 3 boss runs. Haven't seen that since the first set of multiple boss runs we did WAAAYYY back when we started.
My team kicks ass. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm stoked to have such a well oiled, fun, persistent, dedicated team as you guys. Congrats to Dyl and By on your new armor's and grats to Al, By and anyone else who got a new weapon too. Now we focus on getting Enin a piece of gear he wants. GOGO Askar body!
On another note, after almost beating Omega the other night, I had lost some 4500 exp in deaths to the one fight. Here's where I love being a BLM combined with exp ring.
Recapped in 30 mins as a duo. Thanks Big for the exp. We will own Brothers in the next day or so!
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