Addressing the title first, I love my Nyzul Isle group. We have gotten very good at co-ordinating what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Everyone pays attention for the most part (cept Aless and her damn YouTubing!) and gets things done so efficiently, it makes the event very entertaining. Sure we have our bad floors but even they USUALLY don't hold us back from getting the win. So to those from Evolpmal and our standby helpers that are reading this, great job over the last few weeks and thank you for helping make this venture a successful one. Now lets try and make Dyl fix his TH to get some Goliard shoes eh?
Since the September update that adjusted the drop rates and locations for the weapons from Nyzul Isle, we have seen a LOT of weapon drops. If I remember correctly, Loren has his WAR GA and PLD sword, Aless has her WAR and PLD sword, Enin has his BLM staff, SAM GKT and one other (>.>), Byany has his BRD dagger, NIN katana and almost his BLU sword if only he had a connection that didn't keep DCing him, I have my SAM GKT, BLM staff and BST axe and 3-4 other people have various weapons from helping us out from when someone was away. Not the least of which includes my good friend Mogknight who scored thus in one or 2 runs a week or so ago...
He likes to give his 100% efforts in everything including his lots it seems >.>
We even get so many weapons that we are throwing a ton away. Damn that WHM club! Damn it to hell. Dyl's luck with drops from the HNM bosses extends even to his weapon drops. Not a single THF dagger or RDM sword yet.
Having a Runic Key has allowed me to unlock my respective weaponskills with relative ease.
Oh and this happened while breaking my BST axe. Onry 2 more to go!
Of the 3 new weaponskills I have so far, I think I like Primal Rend the most. Tachi: Rana is very handy in opening solo Darkness but Rend is nicer for me in that it provides very consistent weaponskill numbers. Much better than Rampages ones with far less effort on gear.
Last week, we got everyone except Byany to floor 40 which gave Loren King's Justice after a few weeks of spamming Darkness and solo WSs. CRAB BATTLE...GO! He wasn't the only one who was excited to see it and how well it did so after our last run of the night, we hit Wajoam Woodlands to splat some unfortunate birdies.
It performed really well in Nyzul Isle too. I look forward to seeing how it goes in a merit party where I can Kasha after him and make Light.
And finally for Nyzul Isle updates, last week saw these!
Yay BST pants. I will be using these over Byakko's haidate now. My focus is very much solo and duo BST these days and these have far more appeal in that regard.
Also congrats to Loren on Empress hairpin. Our 2nd DECENT drop from a regular NM in Nyzul (the other being Dune Boots very early on).
Speaking of BST duo, Aless and I had a session in La Vaule [S] the other day and played with a couple of the NMs there. We ended up with 2 of the 8 items needed to enter the new SNM there and a few nice drops that padded our bank accounts a little. I think we can take most of the needed NMs to enter the SNM as a duo though I'm not sure how we will handle the DRG one yet. We'll figure that one out later I think. Here's a few pics from the expedition...
Also been spending some time working on my merits of late too. Enin invited me to one particularly good party that ended up setting another record for my longest exp chain.
Funny thing seems to be that every time I notice the next 50 above my last highest chain (150 in this case ), the chain seems to end shortly thereafter due to a bad pull or a death. I think I jinx it somehow by noticing >.> I got to try out my new SAM WS hands in the party too!
I am very pleased with them. The +13 DEX swing reassures me that my WS accuracy is capped on birds and will be capped on Mamools. I also feel a little more confident on any NMs that I might be on SAM for. A lot of people might think it's a placebo but I'm not seeing a reduction in the average WS so I'm happy.
Lastly, as I was going through my screenshots last night and found a few pics of me and my friends goofin' off. Parental supervision advised!
Flea costume is the best one yet! It's good to be around people in this game that have fun together. Things as silly as this make the game more enjoyable. If you don't have said friends, I can't imagine how this game would provide sustained enjoyment for anyone. Right? And Dyl makes me blush...
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